डॉ राही मासूम रज़ा साहित्य सम्मान 2019




Prof Ali Ahmad Fatmi

Born in 1954 Professor Ali Ahmad Fatmi was educated in Allahabad. After obtaining the degree of D. Phil in 1979 from Allahabad University he started his teaching career from St. John’s College, Agra in the year 1980. He earned laurels as a promising lecturer. He was later appointment as lecturer in Urdu Department of Allahabad University in the year 1983. His consistent excellence in the field of literature earned him promotion as Asst. Professor in the year 1993 and subsequently as professor at a relatively young age in the year 2003.

During his distinguished career he has authored about 15 books on various topics, which in itself speaks of his multidimensional grip over Urdu Language and literature. His books namely “Tareekhi Novel”(1980), “Nazeer Akbarabadi” (1982), “A.H.Sharar”(1986), “Firaq Gorakhpuri”(1996), “Nai Tanqeed Naye Aqdar”(2000), “Reportaz jaden aur Kopalen”(1983), “Yatra”(1993), “Safar hai Shart”(1986), “Saat Samundar Paar”(2003), “Bees Nai Kahaniyaan”, “Soz-e-Watan”, “Teen Taraqqqi Pasand Shair”, “Josh Naye Tanazur Mein”, “Taraqqi Pasand Tahreek-Safar Dar Safar” (2006), “Sajjad Zaheer” (2006),  “Premchand” (2008), “Kulliyat-e-Ali Sardar Jafri” (2005) are the evidence of his consistent undying and undauted devotion to the cause of Urdu Litrature.

He has the distinction of editing “Naya Safar” a prestigious literary magazine of international repute for the last ten years.

Professor Fatmi has represted the literary fraternity of India on various Inernational Fora including “International Golden Jubliee Confrence of Progressive Writers” held at London in 1885. He also participated in “Josh Seminor”at London in 1998. His lecture on Galib at Indian Cultural Centre, Tashkent in 1999 was widely appreciated and was the source of laurels for him and for the entire literary fraternity in India. In the year 2000, he visited Canada to deliver a lecture on the literary contributions of “Ali Sardar Jafri”. Later in 2005 he attended “International Urdu Confrence”held at Toronto, Canada. In 2015 attended International Urdu Confrence held at Mauritius.

Besided the above, Professor Fatmi has attended about 50 national and international seminars. His articles have been regularly published in Urdu, Hindi and English Magazines of national and international repute. He is the recipient of innumerable awardes and honours by various acedmic and cultural associations. He is the Secretary General of “All India PWA”, the General Secretary of “Josh & Firaq Literary Society” and the President of “Iqbal Academy”.


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